The following table provides a detailed course listing provided by The Exit Architect®Academy.
Course Listing
1. Introduction to The Exit Architect® Academy |
2. Exit Planning Core |
1. Introduction to Exit Planning
2. Business Valuation
3. Financials in Exit Planning
4. Owner and Business Readiness
5. Marketing and Sales Review 6. Building an Advisory Team
7. Exit Planning Execution
3. Business and Value Growth |
1. Value Builder Drivers
2. Improving Revenue and Profits |
3. Revenue Growth Strategies
4. Estate and Wealth Management |
1. Estate Planning
2. Wealth Management
3. Tax Management
5. Selling Your Business |
1. Business Selling Concepts
2. Step in Selling Your Business
6. Buying a Business |
Buying a Business
7. Transition Planning |
1. Transition Planning
2. Managing Family-Owned Businesses
8. Business Management |
1. Business Infostructure
2. General Management
Course Listing Updates
This course listing will be updated from time to time as new content is added to The Exit Architect®Academy. Upon becoming a member, your Academy Guide will work with you to create a customized educational platform from the full course listing that is aligned to your specific exit planning objectives.