The need for buy-side transactions can be driven by a variety of reasons, including: Regardless of the reason, the process for purchasing a business is…
One of the key decisions in starting to find prospective sellers is whether to focus on active vs passive sellers, or choose to persue both…
The issues facing owners dealing with family business exit planning are quite often more complex than a business owner looking to exit their business. There…
When a business owner starts to evaluate what is an exit strategy for their business there are many options available to them. Some are internal.…
One example exit strategy for a small business might be useful is to consider a buy, then sell strategy. The benefit of this strategy is…
There are three ways that a business owner can grow their business. The relationship of business value, profit and risk is shown in the chart…
The answer to the question “What is the Best Exit Strategy for a Business?” can be quite different depending on the ultimate exit objectives of…
The video below is an excellent introduction to Deferred Sales Trust. These trusts are an excellent way to defer taxes that would otherwise be due…
Exit planning is a comprehensive road map to successfully exit a business. An exit plan asks and answers all the business, personal, legal, financial, tax…
There are many benefits to exit planning for a business owner. If the business owner is just starting out, then an exit plan can be…